When thinking about nutrition, preparation and choice of ingredients is also important. That's a good reason to prepare your own food, doing so will give you control and clarity on what you put in your body. When I cook, I can modify ingredients to healthier ones, I can add herbs and spices that adds lots of flavor to the food and promote health in the body (will be discussed in future posts) and I can add the most important part, my love and intention to nourish my body and the bodies of my family and friends! You wont get that from your average line cook (no offense guys...). Everything that we eat was alive at one point, so for the most part, we should treat it with respect.
There are so many diets and schools of thought when thinking about nutrition. And all of them are right in their own ways. On top of that, there are so many ways to market food and types of diets – based on body type, based on eating habits, based on health goals, etc. Everything changes depending upon your specific body type and metabolism.
Regardless of what type of cleanse, diet or nutritional goals you are considering, being realistic about your body and its health is the most important part. Keeping track of how much you eat, what you eat, and how it makes you feel will help you determine what food works for you as an individual. Consider everything, and be open to successful strategies, but don’t get caught in ideas about “the right way to do it” LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!