Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Herbs: The Everything Solution

Natural herbs are really the “Everything solution.” If something requires soothing, is infectious, soars, or anything that would require anything that needs to be clean. This mix of lavender, garlic and mint is my cure-all. Sage, Rosemary and many other herbs have so many healing properties in them, and they have been used for 1000s of years to treat all sorts of illnesses and wounds.

There is also a way to test what herbs can work for your specific body. By holding herbs in your hand and paying attention to the reaction from your body will let you know if that herb is optimized for you or not. This test is used by nutritionists, acupuncturists,  alternative healing professionals, etc.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Nutrition: Part 3

Eating healthier doesn’t mean that you can’t eat the things you want, but in general, eating out is not good for you. Eliminate eating out, and when you do, you will notice that there is a different kind of energy and attitude that gets into the food when you eat at a restaurant. When you eat food prepared from a cook that is being paid by the hour and hates his job, it tastes different than food being prepared by someone that cares about you, enjoys cooking and does it for free.

For the most part, all of the spices, herbs and seasoning are healthy for you. Growing your own herbs can change everything about your diet and your intentions with food. Herbs taste good in food and are important for healing the body.

Eating healthy is important for you, but it is also important for pets and animals you are responsible for. Not only eating healthy, but using natural herbs and roots to heal pets when they get sick or injured. Lavender, for example, can heal all sorts of things. A couple of years ago, my dog had a fox hair stuck in her rib cage. I took her to the vet, and he checked her out. At this point, it was swollen and infected. After an examination, the Vet decided they needed to put the dog to sleep with anesthesia, and require surgery to get it out. On top of that risky suggestion, it will cost $400. After shaking my head in surprise, I said, "I’ll think about."

After that, I went home, went out to my garden and picked some Lavender. I mixed it with some garlic in a teapot, and when boiled, Lavender can act as a healing pad. I put the pad on my dog’s stomach, 3x a day, for 3 days. By the end of the third day, the dog was completely healed. No pain whatsoever. And this is after a veterinarian told me that my dog had no choice but surgery. There was absolutely no way that her healing process would have been that easy with a surgery. They would have cut her open, she would have taken months to heal and adjust to the cuts, and that is assuming she would be able to get up from the surgery – there was a chance that she wouldn’t get up. 

Natural herbs are great for all of us – humans, dogs and pets of all kind.